​Students not currently enrolled in the active semester will not have access to the library databases using their KCTCS login info. Please contact HCTC Libraries for more information about database access.
- Access from HCTC Libraries' Research Tools page.
- Or access from A-Z Databases page located on the LibGuides homepage.
- Enable cookies in browser.
- Open in a private browser.
- Clear cache.
- Username is full email address (username1111@kctcs.edu)
- Use a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari...)
- Slowly enter password.
- Check that Caps Lock is turned off on keyboard.
- Use a different computer/device.
- Use a different network (databases do not work on K-12 campuses)
- Take a screen shot of any error message you are receiving and email to ehudson0018@kctcs.edu.