Search the full collection of ProQuest Newspapers, including Alt-Press Watch, ProQuest Newsstand, The Advocate, Chicago Tribune, Gannette Newspapers, Greenwich Time, Hartford Courant, Los Angeles Times, Morning Call, Newsday, Orlando Sentinel, Sun Sentinel, the Sun Baltimore.
This current events database allows researchers to explore social, political and economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics discussed in today’s classrooms. Students can use either the dropdown menus for Current Events or Topics to easily locate relevant articles. TOPICsearch is a current events database that allows researchers to explore social, political & economic issues, scientific discoveries and other popular topics discussed in today's classrooms including controversial opinions and viewpoints. TOPICsearch contains full text for over 150,691 articles from 475 diverse sources including international and regional newspapers, EBSCO's unparalleled collection of periodicals, biographies, public opinion polls, book reviews, pamphlets, and government information.
Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for more than 40 (U.S.) & international newspapers. The database also contains selective full text for 389 regional (U.S.) newspapers. In addition, full text television & radio news transcripts are also provided.